A commonplace book is a system for writing down and sorting all manner of tidbits: quotes, anecdotes, observations, and information gleaned from books, conversations, movies, song lyrics, social posts, podcasts, life experiences, or anything else that you might want to return to later.

It’s called a commonplace book because you collect all of this in one common place—a central resource that makes it easy to find, re-read, and utilize each piece of wisdom you have obtained. I first came across this concept of a commonplace book from one of my favorite authors Ryan Holiday. I keep a physical notecard version of my commonplace book but wanted to digitize it on my blog as well to make sure I have access to all of my favorite quotes no matter where I am.

I’ve separated all quotes below into a variety of different genres and you can click a certain genre below to get linked to all the quotes that correspond to it.

Philosophy Mindset Stoicism Learning Solitude Good Counsel Life Ethics Creativity Finances Humor Leadership Nature Writing Reading Journalling Procrastination Wealth Death Books Art Pain Success

Business | Personal Development | Finance | Economics | Religion | Politics | Psychology | Movies | TV Shows | Food| Travel | History | Health and Fitness | Motivation | Books | Education | Entrepreneurship | Fun | Happiness| Charisma and Social Sills | Productivity | Management | Mental Health | Emotions | Great Lives | Technology | How to Live | Comedy | Music | Journalism | Personal Anecdotes | Languages | Science | Fashion | Money | Discipline | Filmmaking | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Reels | TikTok | Linkedin | Quotes | Newsletters